On Creativity and Elementary Cellular Automata
Andrew Adamatzky
University of the West of England
Bristol, UK
Andrew Wuensche
University of Sussex, Brighton
University of the West of England
Bristol, UK
Cell-state transition rules of elementary cellular automata (ECAs) are mapped onto the phase space of cognitive control versus schizotypy and CA behavior is interpreted in terms of creativity. To implement the mapping, a definition of creativity proposed by Kuszewski in [1] is quantified by drawing analogies between a degree of schizotypy and the generative diversity of ECA rules, and between cognitive control and robustness of ECA rules (expressed via the Derrida coefficient). It is found that null and fixed-point ECA rules lie in the autistic domain and chaotic rules are schizophrenic. There are no highly articulated creative ECA rules. It is found that two-cycle rules exhibiting wave-like patterns in the space-time evolution are closest to the creativity domains.