Nonlocal and Light Cone Dynamics Emergent from Information-Propagating Complete Graph
Thomas L. Wood
Unconventional Computing
University of the West of England
Theories relating to the discretization of spacetime and results from quantum information theory have indicated that physically observable behavior may be emergent from such an underlying yet unknown microscopic theory. In this paper, a candidate discrete system, based on the structure presented in [1] is explored, via direct computational implementation. The microstates of the system evolve via information transfer mechanisms on dynamic complete graphs built upon substitution networks developed in [1]. Using the positive integer edge weights as measures of distance, the system is artificially embedded in by treating the flat space violations as stress, resulting in a curved geometry (Figure 1). This stress then effects a force on the vertices. In this paper, light cone dynamics of the motion of the minima of this stress are observed, along with superluminal motion of the vertices. We argue that this superluminal velocity corresponds to the quantum mechanical discontinuous motion of particles and provides possibilities for descriptions of entanglement and particle spin within the system. Further to this, that the compatibility of this type of dynamics with relativistic behavior makes this system nontrivial and worthy of further investigation.
Keywords: point particle; interaction edge; space element; state graph; duplication; reduction; microstate; stress minimization; embedding; cumulative velocity; minimized velocity