Application of Coupled Map Lattice as an Alternative to Classical Finite Difference Method for Solving the Convection-Diffusion Boundary Value Problem
Lukasz Korus
Department of Control Systems and Mechatronics
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Janiszewskiego 11/17
Wroclaw, 50-370, Poland
This paper presents a mathematical model for a piston flow reactor based on the material balance law using partial differential equations. A more general, nondimensional variant of the model is also derived. The finite difference method and coupled map lattice are used to create numerical algorithms to simulate spatio-temporal behavior in the studied system. The paper also includes a stability analysis of the proposed algorithms and results of numerous numerical simulations, done in order to compare both methods and to visualize the spatio-temporal behavior of the reactor and the effects of different model parameters. Discussion of the obtained results and comparison of both algorithms is also provided.
Keywords: piston flow reactor; plug flow reactor; distributed parameter systems; coupled map lattice
Cite this publication as:
L. Korus, “Application of Coupled Map Lattice as an Alternative to Classical Finite Difference Method for Solving the Convection-Diffusion Boundary Value Problem,” Complex Systems, 30(1), 2021 pp. 47–73.