Complex Systems

Realizability of Parity Logic in Finite Cellular Automata Download PDF

Celestine P. Lawrence
Bernoulli Institute and Groningen Cognitive Systems and Materials Center (CogniGron)
University of Groningen
9700 AB, Groningen, Netherlands


We investigate a range-4 cellular automaton that was designed and (falsely) proven to realize the parity logic for any odd input size N. We find that it fails to perform at N=13 and provide a Boolean bottleneck conjecture to redirect research efforts.

Keywords: finite cellular automata; Boolean parity; Boolean bottleneck; compression; state transition diagrams; functional graphs  

Cite this publication as:
C. P. Lawrence, “Realizability of Parity Logic in Finite Cellular Automata,” Complex Systems, 33(1), 2024 pp. 125–132.