Volume 1, Issue 4
On Lagrangian Aspects of Flow Simulation
Hassan Aref
Scott W. Jones
Grétar Tryggvason
Lattice Models of the Lorentz Gas: Physical and Dynamical Properties
Philippe M. Binder
Exact Solutions for Some Discrete Models of the Boltzmann Equation
Henri Cabannes
Dang Hong Tiem
RAP1, a Cellular Automaton Machine for Fluid Dynamics
Andre Clouqueur
Dominique d'Humières
Numerical Simulations of Hydrodynamics with Lattice Gas Automata in Two Dimensions
Dominique d'Humières
Pierre Lallemand
Numerical Experiments on Lattice Gases: Mixtures and Galilean Invariance
Dominique d'Humières
Pierre Lallemand
Geoffrey Searby
Lattice Gas Hydrodynamics in Two and Three Dimensions
Uriel Frisch
Dominique d'Humières
Brosl Hasslacher
Pierre Lallemand
Yves Pomeau
Jean-Pierre Rivet
The Hydrodynamical Description for a Discrete Velocity Model of Gas
Reneé Gatignol
Compressible Rayleigh-Benard Spectral Simulations: A Useful Reference Solution
Serge Gauthier
Gary D. Doolen
The Effect of Galilean Non-Invariance in Lattice Gas Automaton One-Dimensional Flow
Fernand Hayot
Viscosity of a Lattice Gas
Michel Hénon
A Poiseuille Viscometer for Lattice Gas Automata
Leo P. Kadanoff
Guy R. McNamara
Gianluigi Zanetti
Eddy Viscosity and Diffusivity: Exact Formulas and Approximations
Robert H. Kraichnan
Dimension Densities for Turbulent Systems with Spatially Decaying Correlation Functions
Gottfried Mayer-Kress
Thomas Kurz
Two Cellular Automata for Plasma Computations
David Montgomery
Gary D. Doolen
Green-Kubo Formalism for Lattice Gas Hydrodynamics and Monte-Carlo Evaluation of Shear Viscosities
Jean-Pierre Rivet